Basketball Clinics

Welcome to the revolution in sports training, the TAC Training Schools. TAC Sports offers a step-by-step, thorough development school that specializes in helping our students achieve their most rapid improvement in skill, confidence, and leadership.

In order to do that, we use a combination of a step-by-step 5 level system that educates and motivates, using a variety of mediums to increase both student and parent knowledge, continuous assessment and feedback, and awards and graduation.

Our system allows for enough lessons with the same coaches to ensure that the students have consistency across the levels.

3 seasons across the year. Fall Season, Winter Season and Spring Season.

Think of the progression and testing and levels swimming and mixed martial arts…but with the team sports of soccer, basketball, and tennis.

Our training school is gender, age, and skill specific, allowing for the ideal level of fun and motivation.

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